For me, travel is one of the best ways to spend life. While I'll always love my home town, there is nothing I'd rather do than explore the various pockets of the world and learn about different cultures and lifestyles.
However, in order to get to this inspiring destination, there is one little thing you must do: organise it.
Usually, planning and booking a holiday is not exceptionally difficult, but when there are seven people involved logistics can get a little trickier.
At the moment, my friends and I are trying to book a week's holiday for a few months' time and it doesn't help that we don't all know each other, never mind the fact that we don't all currently live in the same country. All of these ingredients add up to a difference in ideas and commitments which doesn't make for easy organisation.
We know that as soon as we arrive at our sunny destination, the hard work will have been worth it. But, after trawling through page upon page of holiday rental websites, sat in rainy England, a hint of discouragement can be heard in people's voices, seen in their expressions. It becomes all too easy to give up and say you'll look again later. And then when you do, those perfect flights have gone up fifty pound in price! Or, sometimes, the opposite effect can occur. You become so sick of investigative work that you book the first hotel you find, but, on arrival, you don't find it. The worst happens and you realise you've been scammed.
In order to beat the stresses of organising travel adventures take a look at the following tips:
- Book early: there is nothing worse than realising you're only a couple of weeks away from your holiday and the flights have become astronomical in price. Generally speaking, the earlier you book the better prices you'll get.
- One-way or return: sometimes it can be cheaper to travel with two one-way fares rather than a round-tip return.
- Do the work...: it's always important to know that your bookings are legitimate. If you find something you like, research it. Don't take unknown company websites for face value, read the terms and conditions, make sure you are paying securely and find reviews from other websites. Check information on location and amenities to ensure you're not setting yourself up for a con.
- ...but don't exhaust yourself: if you feel like you're becoming demotivated, which can happen very easily with the vast internet, take a short break. You don't want to lose that holiday excitement.
- Think flexibly: an easy way to cut costs is to check out other dates. Different timings and locations can help you save on travel so you have more money to splash when you arrive.
- Try to haggle: with some accommodation you'll be able to haggle, so why not give it a go?
- Get everyone up-to-date: if there is a large group of you going together, set up an email or page where everyone can talk, share ideas and be aware of decisions being made.
- Insurance!: The one thing you don't want to forget is travel insurance. You never know when it could help you out, but if it is needed, you'll be thanking your lucky stars you have it.
- Keep the buzz: there is a lot to think about and remember when planning a holiday but remember, you're going on holiday! Keep that excitement flowing and motivation will carry you through to your departure date.